W. Wynn Westcott - Numbers Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues, Wisdom Ancient
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Nu m b e r s ---Th eir Occu lt Powe r An d Mys t ic Vir t u e s By W. Wyn n We s t cot t PRE FACE TO THE FIRS T E DITION, 1 8 9 0 ....................... 3 PRE FACE TO THE S E COND E DITION, 1 9 0 2 .................. 5 PRE FACE TO THE THIRD E DITION, 1 9 1 1 ...................... 8 PART ONE ................................................................... 9 CHAPTE R ONE ......................................................... 9 PYTHAGORAS , HIS TE NE TS & HIS F OLLOWE RS ..... 9 PART TWO ................................................................ 1 7 CHAPTE R TWO ...................................................... 1 8 PYTHAGORE AN VIE WS ON NUMBE RS .................. 1 8 PART THRE E ............................................................. 2 7 CHAPTE R THRE E .................................................. 2 7 THE QABALAH ON NUMBE RS ............................... 2 7 TABLE OF GRE E K AND HE BRE W LE TTE RS .......... 2 9 MAGIC S QUARE OF MARS ................................. 4 1 PART FOUR ............................................................... 4 4 CHAPTE R FOUR .................................................... 4 5 THE INDIVIDUAL NUME RALS ................................ 4 5 THE MONAD, ONE , 1 ............................................. 4 5 ME ANINGS OF THE MONAD, NUMBE R ONE ...... 4 6 CHAPTE R FIVE ...................................................... 5 0 THE DYAD. TWO, 2 . ............................................... 5 0 CHAPTE R S IX ........................................................ 5 8 THE TRIAD. THRE E , 3 . .......................................... 5 8 CHAPTE R S E VE N .................................................. 7 1 THRE E AND A HALF , 3 1 / 2 ................................... 7 1 CHAPTE R E IGHT ................................................... 7 3 THE TE TRAD, F OUR, 4 . ......................................... 7 3 CHAPTE R NINE ...................................................... 8 9 THE PE NTAD, FIVE , 5 . ........................................... 8 9 CHAPTE R TE N ..................................................... 1 0 0 THE HE XAD, S IX, 6 . ............................................ 1 0 0 CHAPTE R E LE VE N .............................................. 1 1 0 THE HE PTAD, S E VE N, 7 . ..................................... 1 1 0 TABLE OF PLANE TS , ANIMALS AND ME TALS .. 1 2 1 ANCIE NT TABLE OF PLANE TS AND NUMBE RS 1 2 5 CHAPTE R TWE LVE .............................................. 1 3 5 THE OGDOAD, E IGHT, 8 . .................................... 1 3 5 PLANE TARY RATIO TABLE OF TONE S .............. 1 3 6 Nu m b e r s ---Th eir Occu lt Powe r An d Mys t ic Vir t u e s By W. Wyn n We s t cot t CHAPTE R THIRTE E N ........................................... 1 4 0 THE E NNE AD, NINE , 9 . ....................................... 1 4 0 TABLE OF PLANE TS AND NUMBE RS ............... 1 4 5 TABLE OF ZODIACAL S IGNS & NUMBE RS ....... 1 4 6 CHAPTE R FOURTE E N.......................................... 1 4 9 THE DE CAD, TE N, 1 0 . ......................................... 1 4 9 CHAPTE R FIFTE E N.............................................. 1 6 1 E LE VE N, 1 1 . ........................................................ 1 6 1 CHAPTE R S IXTE E N ............................................. 1 6 3 TWE LVE , 1 2 ......................................................... 1 6 3 TABLE OF BIRDS , ANIMALS AND FLOWE RS .... 1 6 6 TABLE OF COLORS & ZODIAC S IGNS .............. 1 6 7 TABLE OF ZODIAC WITH S E X, DAY & NIGHT .. 1 6 7 TABLE OF ZODIAC & DIRE CTIONS .................. 1 6 8 TABLE OF ZODIAC AND PLANE TS .................... 1 6 9 TABLE OF 1 2 PE RMUTATIONS OF IHVH .......... 1 7 1 CHAPTE R S E VE NTE E N........................................ 1 7 8 THIRTE E N, 1 3 ...................................................... 1 7 8 CHAPTE R E IGHTE E N .......................................... 1 8 0 S OME HINDU US E S OF NUMBE RS ..................... 1 8 0 CHAPTE R NINE TE E N ........................................... 1 8 1 OTHE R HIGHE R NUMBE RS ................................. 1 8 1 CHAPTE R TWE NTY .............................................. 2 0 8 THE APOCALYPTIC NUMBE RS ............................ 2 0 8 Nu m b e r s ---Th eir Occu lt Powe r An d Mys t ic Vir t u e s By W. Wyn n We s t cot t P R E FA C E T O T H E F I R S T E D I T I O N , 1 8 9 0 even years have passed since this essay was written, and the MSS. pages have been lent to many friends and students of mystic lore and occult mean- ings. It is only at the earnest request of these kindly critics that I have consented to publish this volume. The contents are necessarily of a fragmentary character, and have been collected from an immense number of sources; the original matter has been inten- tionally reduced to the least possible quantity, so as to obtain space for the inclusion of the utmost amount of ancient, quaint and occult learning. It is impossible to give even an approximate list of works which have been consulted; direct quotations have been acknowledged in numerous instances, and (perhaps naturally) many a statement might have been equally well quoted from the book of a contemporary author, a mediaeval monk, a Roman historian, a Greek poet, or a Hindu Adept. To give the credit to the modern author would not be fair to the ancient sage, to refer the reader to a Sanskrit tome would be in most cases only loss of time and waste of paper. My great difficulty has been to supply informa- tion mystic enough to match the ideal of the work, and yet not so esoteric as to convey truths which Adepts have still concealed. Nu m b e r s ---Th eir Occu lt Powe r An d Mys t ic Vir t u e s By W. Wyn n We s t cot t I must apologize for the barbarous appearance of for- eign words; but it was not found practicable to supply Sanskrit, Coptic, Chaldee and Greek type, so the words have had to be transliterated. Hebrew and Chaldee should of course be read from right to left, and it was at first intended so to print them in their converted form, but the appearance of Hebrew in English letters re- versed was too grotesque; ADNI is a representation of the Aleph, Daleth, Nun, Yod, of “Adonai,” but INDA would have been sheer barbarity. In the case of Hebrew words I have often added the pronunciation. 6. The “Secret Doctrine” of H. P. Blavatsky, a work of erudition containing a vast fund of archaic doctrine, has supplied me with valuable quotations. If any readers de- sire a deeper insight into the analogies between numbers and ideas, I refer them in addition to the works of Eliphas Levi, Athanasius Kircher, Godfrey Higgins, Mi- chael Maier and John Heydon. I have quoted from each of these authorities, and Thomas Taylor’s “Theoretic Arithmetic” has supplied me with a great part of the purely arithmetical notions of the Pythagoreans, the elu- cidation of which was mainly due to him. I conclusion, I request my readers, --- Aut perlege et recte intellige, Nu m b e r s ---Th eir Occu lt Powe r An d Mys t ic Vir t u e s By W. Wyn n We s t cot t Aut abstine a censura. W. Wynn Westcott 7 . P R E FA C E T O T H E S E C O N D E D I T I O N , 1 9 0 2 he first edition of this little book has been long out of print, and for several years, I have been asked to enlarge it, but until the present time suffi- cient leisure has not been found to collect the additional matter which seemed desirable. This essay on Numbers now appears as Volume IX of my Series entitled “ Collectanea Hermetica,” of which it seem to form a suitable part, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |