W215 W218 Block Diagram Signal Description, ---SCHEMATY---GSM
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W215/W218 EU band Block Diagram Signak Description Signal Name From To Signal Description A/D[0..15] U101 U301 Address and data bus inputs/outputs multiplexed A[16..23] U101 U301 Address bus outputs multiplexed AUDAMP_SD U101 U601 Enable pin of audio amplifier AUXI/FM_ROUT R131/U202 U103 Headset Microphone/FM radio input (R channel) BATTEMP U103 R713 NTR connect of the Battery BS1 U101 U201 PA output ( 0 : GSM ; 1: DCS ) CAM_DATA[0..7] J901 U902 Camera Module: Camera Data Bus CDI U103 U101 AUDIO CODEC port interface serial data input CDO U101 U103 AUDIO CODEC port interface serial data output CKEN U103 U101 13Mhz clock Enable Synchronizes the memory to the frequency of the EMIF during synchronous operations such as burst mode. CKM U101 U301 CLK13M U101 U103 13Mhz clock CLK32K U103` U101 32Khz clock COL[0..4]/ROW[0..4] U101 Keypad Matrix Forms part of Keypad Matrix CSCLK U101 U103 AUDIO CODEC port interface serial clock CSYNC U01 U103 AUDIO CODEC port interface frame synchro CTS_MODEM U101 TP1 Clear To Send EARN U103 Voice Receiver Negative Audio Voice to Receiver EARP U103 Voice Receiver Positive Audio Voice to Receiver FDP U101 U301 The Flashreset/deeppower-downmode control FM_ANT J602 C222 FM Antenna FM_LOUT U202 U103 FM radio input(L channel) HB_IN R202 U201 TX VCO generated transmit DCS Frequency HS_BIAS U101 U604 Enable pin of the eadset microphone bias HS_DETECT U101 J602 Headset Detection HS_EN U101 U605/U602 Analog switch control(MODEM or Headset) HS_HOOK U603 U101 Handset send/end key detection HSMIC C112 U103 Headset Microphone amplifier input (single ended) HSOL U103 C623 Headset 32 ohm driver (L channel) HSOR U103 C626 Headset 32 ohm driver (R channel) ICTLAC1 U103 U502 Charge current control signal KEY_BL U101 R710 When this signal goes high, the Keypad backlights are illuminated LB_IN R201 U201 TX VCO generated transmit GSM Frequency LCM_RESET U101 LCM LCM reset pin LED+ U701 LCM LCM BackLight LED driver LEDLCM_EN U101 U701 LCM BackLight LED Enable MICBIAS U103 R601 Microphone bias supply(2V) MICIN C607 U103 Negative analogue uplink audio from on board Microphone MICIP C601 U103 Positive analogue uplink audio from on board Microphone MODE_DETECT R618/R620 U103 EarJack function detection nBHE U101 U301 Enable to address High Byte Information nBLE U101 U301 Enable to address Low Byte Information nFADV U7 U10/U108 Indicates to memory device that a valid address is present on the address inputs nFOE U101 U301 Flash and SRAM output Enable - Active Low nSC0 U101 U301 Used as Chip Enable for the PSRAM nSC3 U101 U301 Used as Chip Enable for the Flash Memory PA_EN U101 U201 Chip enable for PowerAmp IC PCHGAC U103 R501 Battery Pre-charge Path PCLK J901 U902 Camera Module: Pixel clock output RNW U101 U301 Read and Write - allows information to be wriiten or read from the memory devices RPWON S802 U101 ON button Level3Schematics 2007.04.27 Rev.1.0 W215/W218 HansonKo Page1of2 RX_DCSM/RX_DCSP BF202 U101 Received DCS Antenna Frequency Signal RX_EGSMM/RX_EGSMP BF201 U101 Received GSM Antenna Frequency Signal RX_MODEM U101 U607 Receive Data SCL1 U101 U103 I2C interface Master serial clock reserved for TriTon Lite Control SCL2 U101 U202 I2C interface Master serial clock reserved for FM Control SCLK U101 U902 Serial Clock Input for backend IC or LCM SDA1 U101 U103 I2C interface Serial bi-directional data reserved for TriTon Lite Control SDA2 U101 U202 I2C interface Serial bi-directional data reserved for FM Control SENSOR_power_EN U901 U902 Camera Enable SIO_C U902 J901 Camera Module: SCCB serial interface clock input SIO_D U902 J901 Camera Module: SCCB serial interface data I/O SPI_CLK U101 LCM LCM serial clock SPI_nCS U101 LCM LCM chip select i output SPI_SIMO U101 LCM LCM serial data master-out SPKN/SPKP U103 U601 Speaker Audio Amp output SW_HI_TX U101 T201 DCS TX enable SW_LO_TX U101 T201 GSM TX enable TCK U101 TP111 CLK of JTAG TDI TP112 U101 Data input of JTAG TDO U103 TP109 Data output of JTAG TMS TP110 U101 JTAG mode selection TRSTN TP113 U101 JTAG RESET TX_MODEM U101 U608 Transmit Data TXHB/TXLB U101 R201 In-phase baseband codec uplink signals USIM_CLK U101 J701 SIM Card Reference Clock USIM_IO U101 J701 SIM Card I/O Data USIM_PWCTL U101 J701 SIM Pull-Up power control USIM_RST U101 J701 SIM Card Reset VAC U501 U103 Power Supply of Charge system VAPC U101 R206 Automatic Powert Control - Sets the PA output level V_AVDD U901 J901 Camera Module: Camera module power supply VBACKUP U103` C106 RTC battery Voltage Back up VBAT J703 U102/U103/U201/U202/R503/U601Battery Voltage for supply purposes VBATS R503 U103 Charging current sense V_BE_CORE R907 U902 Regulator for backend IC VCCS R503 U103 Charging current sense VCHG J501 U501 Adaptor DC input VRABB U103 U103 Power supply of U10 VREXTH U103 U101 For DRP VREXTL U103 U101 DBB core voltage VRIO U103 U101/U202/LCM/R623/R631 I/O of the LCM .FM,and U101 VRMEM U103 U101/U301 For Flash power supply VRMMC U103 U101/R211/R213 For RF power supply VRPLL U103 U103 DPLL/APLL subchip dedicated power supply inside DBB VRRTC U103 U103 Regulator RTC output VRSIM U103 J701 For SIM card power supply VRUSB U103 TP128 USB power VSYNC J901 U902 Camera Module: Vertical sync output Wait U101 U301 Flash and synchronous PSRAM- specific signal configureable true-level output XCLK J901 U902 Camera Module: System clock input Level3Schematics 2007.04.27 Rev.1.0 W215/W218 HansonKo Page2of2 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |