
W2Go8x11, Go - baduk - igo
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How to
play the
game of
TheWay to
by Karl Baker
American Go Association
Box 397 Old Chelsea Station
New York, NY 10113
Legal Note:
The Way To Go
is a copyrighted work.
Permission is granted to make complete copies for
personal use. Copies may be distributed freely to
others either in print or electronic form, provided
no fee is charged for distribution and all copies contain
this copyright notice.
The Way to Go
Karl Baker
American Go Association
Box 397 Old Chelsea Station
New York, NY 10113
Cover print: Two Immortals and the Woodcutter
A watercolor by Seikan. Date unknown.
How to play
the ancient/modern
Asian Game of Go
A scene from the
tale: Immortals playing go as the
woodcutter looks on. From
Japanese Prints and the World of
by William Pinckard at:
Dedicated to Ann
All in good time there will come a climax
which will lift one to the heights,
but first a foundation must be laid,
broad, deep and solid...
Winfred Ernest Garrison
© Copyright 1986, 2008
American Go Association
The game of GO is the essence of simplicity and the
ultimate in complexity all at the same time. It is taught
earnestly at military officer training schools in the Orient,
as an exercise in military strategy. It is also taught in the
West at schools of philosophy as a means of understanding
the interplay of intellect and intuition.
Editions Published: 1986, 1988, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2002
Revised Seventh Edition: February, 2008, Terry Benson, ed.
Learning go is easy. Mastering go is a delightful, never-
ending challenge.
Note to the Seventh Edition: This version of
The Way To Go
been updated to be consistent with the 1991 AGA Rules of Go.
In this little gem of a book, Karl Baker has created a
masterpiece of simplicity and directness that should prove
a great blessing to the interested, but as yet uninitiated,
beginner. For all their simplicity, the rules of go are
nevertheless strange to the neophyte. The beginner
will find this step-by-step manual a tremendous help in
understanding the basic principles, so he can quickly get on
with the fun of the game.
Published by the American Go Foundation
Production originally edited and managed by
As a home-session primer for the beginner to prepare
himself for his first game, this booklet will be invaluable. It
will prove a godsend to both student and teacher.
Roger B. White
With valuable assistance from many go enthusiasts
Roger B. White
American Go Association
About The Game..................................................................1
Chapter One - The Procedure for Playing Go.....................4
Chapter Two - Trapped or Safe..........................................21
Chapter Three - Ending the Game.....................................31
Chapter Four - The Rule of Ko..........................................37
Chapter Five - Go Proverbs for Beginners.........................40
What Next?........................................................................48
Glossary ............................................................................50
Go is a game of strategy. Two players compete by placing
markers on a smooth board with a simple grid drawn on
it, usually 19 by 19 lines. Each player seeks to enclose
areas with his markers, much like partitioning a field with
sections of fencing. Further, each player may capture his
opponent's markers. The object of the game is to control
more of the board than the opponent, a simple goal that
leads to the elegant and fascinating complexities of go.
A traditional floor board, stones and bowls.
About The Game
Go originated in China about 4000 years ago. Japan
imported go around 700 A.D. Players in eastern Asia have
excelled at the game throughout modern times. Go reached
the Western hemisphere in the late 1800's. Completely
logical in design, the game of go has withstood the test of
time. Today go survives in its original form as the oldest
game in the world.
Go is a game of skill involving no elements of
chance. Each participant seeks to control and capture
more territory than the other. The overall level of decision-
making quality invariably determines the outcome of the
game. All the play is visible on the board. Play begins
on an empty board, except in handicapped games (the
less-experienced player generally receives an equitable
head start). The action of the game is lively and exciting,
jumping from battle front to battle front as each contestant
seeks an advantage of position.
From the first move each player builds a unique
formation. In fact there is so much room for individual
expression that it is believed no game of go has ever been
played in the exact pattern of any previous one. There
are over 10
different patterns available. This number
is vastly larger than the estimated number of atoms in the
entire universe.
A game of go can achieve a wonderful artistic
intricacy, born of an individual's intrinsic creativity and
realized in the significance of the shapes that he creates on
the board. Go is an aesthetic adventure of more importance
than the mere winning or losing.
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